
What is the Purpose and Drive for Our Lives?

The Purpose Driven Life

A purpose driven life when one looks at a Christian worldview is quite fulfilling. One of the first purposes within this worldview is living in the Kingdom of God (Pasley, 2015). To live in the Kingdom of God means to live near to Jesus Christ which is to live a life obedient to His Word and continue to live in this world from brokenness to wholeness by the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Pasley, 2015). Being a participant of the Kingdom also means you are anticipating a day when Jesus will come and again and make all things right and that God will dwell with the man again face to face (Pasley, 2015). Christians should also be a reflection of the image of God which reflect love and justice to the world (N.T. Wright, 2014).

Living a purposeful life is also to carry out the Missio Dei which is to continue what Jesus Christ was doing while he was here on Earth. Jesus was continuously bringing the good news to people and showing love and compassion to everyone. We to have been empowered by the Holy Spirit if we are believers in Christ and should be bringing the message of salvation to the lost bringing healing to the broken world (Guder, 2005). A purpose driven life means you are a servant of God under his authority and Kingship, it is to be sent out into the world as Jesus Christ was sent out by His Father (John 17:8).

Lastly, to live a purpose driven life means to make disciples and participate in a church community (Pasley, 2015). We are to come together in community to help one another, pray for one another, break bread, celebrate communion as a church body, and worship together (Pasley, 2015; Acts 2:42). To become a disciple means to live like Jesus increasingly, love as Jesus did and to continue to surrender self to Him (Stetzer & Putman, 2006). This process will take us a lifetime to do because we are not perfected like our Lord, but we should always be increasing in these areas which is called Sanctification.

In my own life, I continue to find my purpose in Jesus Christ. It is in Him where all my hope comes from; it is in Him where I get the love to continue to love my wife and family, and it is in Him where I continue to press forward to be more like Christ and participate in His Kingdom.


Guder, D. (2005). The church as missional community. In M. Husbands and D. J. Treier (Eds.), The Community of the Word (pp. 114-128). Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.Laing, M.

T. B. (2009). Missio Dei: Some implications for the Church. Missiology 37(1), 89-99.

Pasley, M. (2015). Practical wisdom. In A. DiVincenzo (Ed.), The beginning of wisdom: An introduction to Christian thought and life. Available from

Stetzer, E. & Putman, D. (2006). Breaking the missional code: Your church can become a missionary in your community. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers.

Wright, N. T. (1999). New heavens, new earth: The biblical picture of Christian hope. Cambridge, England: Grove Books Limited.